Sunday, January 31, 2010

Steph won!

Steph of won the contest in the post below.

I numbered all 10 answers and asked Mr. P (Who is blind and therefore couldn't cheat on this, but he doesn't cheat anyway) to pick a number between 1 and 10. He said the number corresponding to Steph's answer.

I appreciated all who answered and enjoyed everyone of them.

So, I skipped King David because I've misplaced a couple of tapes from my KJV audio Bible, and took up again in 1Kings1. I'll listen to the tapes when I run across them. There is an awful lot of smiting going on.

When, oh when, will people learn to stop worshiping false gods and killing their own children (see references to molech). My false god seems to be food. and pride and... serotonin? That's the "happiness"hormone. Eating carbs stimulates it.

So, congrats to Steph and forgive my tedious confessions.

God bless us, every one.♥P


Steph said...

Thank you so much! Thank Mr.P with a big hug from me! :)

LOL at all the smiting! MMmm I thing food is a false God for me too...must work on that!

<3 Steph

Anonymous said...

Awww...congrats to the winner!

and yes...eating their children was just horrid!